Our competencies increase engagement across disparate groups. We are highly skilled at illuminating success stories and creatively framing the challenges of persons of color and other underrepresented groups thereby improving communication, understanding and perspectives of the broader community on sensitive topics which ultimately enhance the global appeal of a brand.
Have an event you are planning? Get the DE+I Guys to help you plan and update your event making it a more inclusive experience for all. The DE+I Guys can faciliate events that require diverse puplic interaction. Moderate discussion that are difficult and or sensitive. MC Events professionally and with cultural style and awareness.
Organizations that perform the best are well trained and know how to get the most productiviity out of each part of the organization. Get the DE+I Guys to authentically conduct your faculty, staff, and student training through the art of effective communication that teaches proven methods for your team to best engage one another.
Leader Development Training Series
Staff Development Training Series
Dialogue and Confidential Advice/feedback on New Products, Initiatives, Programs. Also One on One advice to assist individuals with acclimating to a new environment and or supplemental Career Planning Advice using Life Coaching Skills, Service Referrals, and Network Connections.